Food Insurance Review – Best Food Storage Company

Food Insurance 2 week

According to FEMA, the number of major disaster declarations since 2004 is 674 and growing. This is an increase of 35% compared to declared disasters between 1994 and 2004. Disaster declarations are on the rise and FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has provided national recommendations for emergency food storage – we’ll detail their suggestions below along with our … [Read more...]

Building an Emergency Disaster Kit

Many of us have seen National Geographic’s smash hit TV show called “Doomsday Preppers.”  Most of the people who have seen it have thought, boy those people are crazy!  Maybe they are, but at least they are prepared.  How prepared are you for an emergency or disaster?  Here is a checklist on the things you might need to become one step closer to becoming a sensible … [Read more...]

Save Money on Car Repairs

The other day I had the joy of backing into a parked tractor-trailer.  The trailer that I hit broke my passenger’s side rear tail light and bashed in my trunk lid, yet the trailer was untouched.  I really lucked out on this accident, but since I drive a Cadillac, the repairs are still going to cost me quite some money.  The problem is that I only have liability insurance, so … [Read more...]

How to Find Cheap Car Insurance

All states required you to carry some type of car insurance. When accidents happen, you want to make sure you have adequate coverage, so you will not get stuck will huge bills. The cost of insurance can really add up, so you need to try to find cheap insurance. Therefore, there are ways to find affordable car insurance. One of the main things that you need to do is ask for … [Read more...]

How to Buy Car Insurance Online

Like many other facets of modern life, much of the insurance industry has migrated to the Internet in recent years. Long gone are the days where consumers had only a scarce few options for car insurance. Today, insurance providers from across the nation compete for customers using the web, making it easy for consumers to purchase coverage that meets their respective needs. … [Read more...]